Hajj Services

Hajj Services

In view of the sublime status, hajj and ‘umrah comprise aspects from the rest of the acts of worship. They are accorded meanings, secrets, lessons and signs that are worthy of pause and contemplation in the hope of exposing ourselves to their beauties, perhaps God will grant us the success of realizing their splendor by word and deed. Hajj and Umrah include Prayers, spending in Charity, Fasting, Ritual sacrifice, Traveling (a migration of both form and spirit), traversing as-Safa and al-Marwa, Tawaf (circumambulating the Ka’bah), Zikr, Dua’a` and jihad (struggling in the cause of God). Masjid Omar Sabri Provides Hajj Services to the People who are travelling to perform Hajj.
  • Providing Ihram to the Pilgrims.
  • Slaughter (the hady) Services.
  • Shaving or Shortening the hair.
  • Tawaf Al-Wada.
Hajj has been legislated to realize the true concepts of tawheed (monotheism) and the worship that God, Lord of the Worlds, deserves. It is considered training in commitment and adherence to God’s commands. Thus, it includes rites and prohibitions as mentioned in the words of God.

Hajj is an act of Worship that promotes the veneration of God’s commands and prohibitions and trains a person to maintain exactitude, earnestness, perfection, unity and cooperation, venerate what God has venerated and following his Messenger without harboring feelings of humiliation.

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