Marriage Counseling

Marriage Counseling

Family life is the foundation of a successful society, and Marriage is an occasion of great joy prescribed by Allah. The management of the Masjid Omar Sabri warmly welcomes and congratulates prospective couples who wish to marry in accordance with the Islamic Law.
This Masjid Omar Sabri provides Marriage services but the following Requirements must be fulfilled:

  • Two witness’s from the Groom’s side and one witness from the Bride.
  • You need valid Identification Card and mahr (Bride Gift) and should be a mutual understanding between the Bride and Groom.
  • Masjid Omar Sabri is not providing witnesses.
  • The Fee to perform Nikah ( Marriage Ceremony) is $350.
Marriage is a hugely rewarding act of worship and a great sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ.
However, nowadays the process of organising a wedding can be complex and daunting. Good planning and preparation are key to making things simpler and stress-free.
Getting Married at Masjid Omar Sabri is the experience of a lifetime. We are committed to providing unique & stunning, yet economical and eco-friendly space, where you will create unforgettable memories with your closest family and friends.